Thursday, January 2, 2014

Looking back on 2013...

In January of last year, a friend of mine was admitted to the hospital because of alcohol poisoning; I didn't find out until after he returned home. When I did find out, I panicked for quite a while. That was when I decided to speak up when someone is doing something harmful to their health, rather than stay quiet to avoid annoying them.

In February of last year, my family and I held a memorial for our dog, Sela, who died on February 28th, 4:03pm. I was supposed to name one thing I had loved about her. Instead, I choked up and started crying. Soon it'll be the two-year 'anniversary' of her passing.

In March of last year, we brought home a new kitten and named him Tevye. I also got my learner's permit, allowing me to practice driving. We also purchased our tickets and made our reservations for the Celtic Thunder Cruise.

In April of last year, I participated in my very first Holy Worlds April Fools' day celebration and had a wonderful time. I enrolled in classes at the college near here, and I also became friends with two dear people who are now close friends of mine.

In May of last year, my mom had to go to the emergency room because of a severe allergic reaction; it happened in early morning, so I awoke to find I was home alone with my brother. I panicked after I found the note. Fortunately she was fine. I also learned/was told several things which gave me well-needed doses of reality.

In June of last year, I self-published a collection of short stories and poems.

In July of last year, I had a run-in with some... interesting characters and got involved in what can only be described as a several-month-long mess. After the initial emotional breakdown at the beginning, I got stronger and learned a lot of things from the craziness. I also turned sixteen!

In August of last year, I started getting more serious about writing blog posts; I started to write more frequently, and less about silly things.

In September of last year, it was my 'one-year anniversary' of having joined Holy Worlds. My dad was injured while cutting a tree down, sending the house into a panic for quite a while until we were sure he was alright.

In October of last year, I got to meet three wonderful people - Siân, Matt, and Kiehl - in person when they stayed overnight. It was probably one of the best nights of my life. The mess that started in July and had gone dormant in September returned sharply, causing quite a few tears on my part. It took longer to get over, and was harder to deal with than the first time, for various reasons.

In November of last year, I went on my first trip in ten years - the Celtic Thunder cruise. I met four out of the six band members (and got my photo taken with those four), met new friends, went out-of-country for the first time ever, found myself on a passenger plane (something I have never done) and danced for the first time since I was about eight. I learned and grew a lot.

In December of last year, I officially started watching Doctor Who, and I sent out Christmas cards and little packages all over the U.S., and to two other countries.

All in all... 2013 was a hard but good year. I learned and grew a lot. :) What about you?

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